👍🏼Wherever You Are, Be A Good One

Nov 06, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of staying at The Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, a historic gem that has stood tall since its construction in 1909. What struck me most about this magnificent establishment was the recent renovation, where they preserved the original hand-carved ceilings in the lobby, lower-level restaurant, and bar. These ceilings are a testament to the enduring quality of craftsmanship, standing strong at 124 years old.

As I gazed up at the intricate details, it made me ponder how often we rush from one task to the next, neglecting the opportunity to infuse our work with true pride and care.

Every task we undertake is a self-portrait of the person who does it.

It's a reflection of our dedication, our values, and our commitment to excellence. Just as those artisans carved their masterpieces over a century ago, we too have the power to autograph our work with excellence.

Whether you're a craftsman, a writer, a teacher, or a parent, your work is a canvas waiting for your signature. Take the time to pause, appreciate the task at hand, and infuse it with the best of your abilities. It's not about perfection; it's about the genuine effort and care you put into what you do.

Imagine if we all approached our work with the same reverence as those craftsmen who created The Hermitage's ceilings. Imagine the impact we could have on the world, leaving behind a legacy of excellence in everything we do.

So, as you go about your day, remember this: Wherever you are, be a good one.

Autograph your work with the brushstrokes of your best self, and let excellence be the signature that defines you.

Get your copy of, The Daily Climb, 10 Principles to Change Your Life. I use these principles daily. They have honestly changed my life and lives of those around me. It’s my hope they will change yours too.



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